The summary of "Myanmar Disaster Risk Management Project Concept" was presented at the Urban Delta Seminar which was organized by Embassy of the Kingdoms of Netherlands, National Water Resources Committee and Yangon Regional Government on 14 February 2018 by Michael Bonte Grapentin, Senior Disaster ...
Structuring Decisions for a sustainable future
This presentation was presented by Tom Kompier, Strategic Advisor, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, in Urban Delta Seminar. It includes the explanation of the closure dam,Future Change Calls for: Adaptive Delta Management. The case of VietnamRecommendations for a sus...
Enhancing Water Security in the Urbanizing Ayeyarwady Delta Region
At the Seminar on Resilient Urban Delta Development, organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, National Water Resources Committee and Yangon Regional Government, Dr. Zaw Lwin Tun Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MoALI) Irrigation and Water Utilization Management...
Setting the Knowledge Agenda for Water Security in the Urbanizing Ayeyarwady Delta
U Aung Myo Khaing, Director of Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems(DWIR) presented the "Setting the Knowledge Agenda for Water Security in the Urbanizing Ayeyarwady Delta" on the Urban Delta Seminar (14 February 2018), organized by Embassy of the Kingdoms of Netherlands, ...
Showcase For Innovative Monitoring In Ayeyarwaddy Delta
Bago-Sittaung Canal Integrated Water System Analysis, with Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, ITC Bago, Ministry of Electric Power, Bago Region Myanmar is confronted by major water challenges and must therefore make very important choices. However, at the same time, ther...