Prototype low cost acoustic automatic online water level sensor made from off the shelf components
van Iersel, Tara (TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geosciences; TU Delft Water Management; TU Delft Water Resources)
Hoes, Olivier (mentor)
Hut, Rolf (mentor)
van de Giesen, Nick (graduation committee)
Timmermans, Jos (graduation committee)
Delft University of Technology
Water level data is a key factor in water systems research. Frequently measuring water levels in areas with tidal influence is especially desirable because it enables observations to follow the rise and fall between minimum and maximum water level. However, a majority of developing countries are not able to measure water levels at the desired time stamp and spatial scale with currently available water level measuring instruments, predominantly due to limited financial resources. Countless reliable instruments exist that measure water levels, although low-budget instruments are few and far between. Literature study showed that the price of water level instruments are not representative of the water level measurement accuracy acquired.This research focuses on the need for a water level measuring instrument that is low cost, automatic, reliable and suitable for use in developing countries, specifically in Myanmar. In Myanmar, automated water level data collection remains challenging due to limited financial resources. This data collection limitation inhibits Myanmar's ability to optimize the distribution of water resources, potential consequences of poor water resource management include floods and droughts. Key requirements for a water level gauge to be considered suitable for use in developing countries include, simple to operate and repair, made from off the shelf components and operational in remote areas.We developed an automatic water level gauge incorporating an acoustic distance sensor, which is the type of sensor used for parking assistance in modern cars. To validate the applicability of our instrument, field trials were undertaken in The Netherlands and Myanmar.Our research objective was achieved and therefore we demonstrated it is possible to build a water level measuring instruments that is cost-efficient, automatic, reliable and suitable for use in developing countries. Although tests results from the Netherlands are promising, further optimization is needed for deployment in Myanmar.
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