Myanmar Disaster Risk Management Project Concept Summary
The summary of "Myanmar Disaster Risk Management Project Concept" was presented at the Urban Delta Seminar which was organized by Embassy of the Kingdoms of Netherlands, National Water Resources Committee and Yangon Regional Government on 14 February 2018 by Michael Bonte Grapentin, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist from the World Bank. It stated the losses of Myanmar because of disaster over the years and the growing risks of Yangon since the city is growing itself. The World Bank Group responded to the disaster of Myanmar and the ongoing and proposed activities are "Flood and Landslide Emergency Recovery Project" and "Myanmar SEA Disaster Risk Management Project". Eisse Wijma, Senior Water Resources Specialist, World Bank also presented the Ayeyarwady Integrated River Basin Management Project (AIRBM). The project development objective of the AIRBM is to contribute to the development of integrated river basin management of the Ayeyarwady River.