The Handbook for Management and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems in River and Laked Basins

The handbook provides an insight into the key issues linked to managing and restoring aquatic ecosystems. The information draws from real-life experiences, practical examples and expertise acquired in national and transboundary basins throughout the world involving people from public authorities and water practitioners right down to community levels. It is the knowledge source that not only explains clear benefits aquatic ecosystems provide, but also provides practical application through the IWRM approach in order to tackle economic challenges without jeopardizing the aquatic ecosystems.

This handbook is aimed at practitioners involved in managing water resources and restoring ecosystems and, more broadly, anyone with an interest in these subjects. It includes:
  • An overview of the key concepts, fundamental issues and approaches used in tackling these areas. The successive chapters look at how ecosystems work, ways of managing and restoring ecosystems, and the relevant governance and regulations;
  • A specific chapter on ecosystems monitoring;
  • A focus on the economic challenges and the funding issue;
  • Examples of ecosystem management and practical advice.

Acknowledgement - The International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), the Global Water Partnership (GWP), ONEMA and the International Office for Water (IOWater) worked together to publish this Handbook.

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