Modeling Approach for Earthen Dam Breach Analysis in North Yamar Dam, Myanmar
In case a Dam breach occurs, it is hazardous for lives, properties and environment in downstream extents. Dam break studies are necessary for forecasting of flood disaster and evaluation of hydrological safety among dams.
To investigate possible inundationextents and breach outflow, an experimental study for both overtopping and piping failures was performed in the North Yamar Lower Dam constructed across Yamar creekin Pale township of Sagaing Region. This study is to examine the applicability of hydraulics and hydrologic models, HEC-RAS (USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center‟s River Analysis system) and HEC-HMS (Hydrologic Engineering Center‟s Hydrologic Modeling System) upon Dam Break.
This study was carried out by Pa Pa Shwe Sin Kyaw from Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Credit to American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)