  World Waternet works with Waternet experts to support public water organisations by offering sustainable, int...


World Waternet works with Waternet experts to support public water organisations by offering sustainable, integral water solutions. We are the connecting link between Waternet expertise, (co-)funders and global water issues.

We believe that worldwide access to safe water and sanitation is essential to human health, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. World Waternet was founded to help combat global water challenges. The better we respond to these challenges, the greater the chance we can provide clean water services for all.

We work with our Waternet experts to support public water organisations by offering sustainable, integral water solutions. We do this by providing expertise of the whole water cycle.

Affiliated to Waternet

World Waternet was founded in 2007 on the initiative of the regional public water authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht (AGV) and Waternet, the public water company of Amsterdam and surroundings. Waternet provides water services to 1.3 million people and is the only water company in the Netherlands that covers the entire water cycle. World Waternet uses the expertise of both organisations, Waternet and AGV, to help improve the performance of foreign public water organisations.

World Waternet is a not-for-profit organisation with an independent Supervisory Board. World Waternet has a project-based staffing agreement with Waternet, which allows for Waternet employees to contribute to World Waternet projects on an annual basis.

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    World Waternet


    World Waternet works with Waternet experts to support public water organisations by offering sustainable, integral water solutions. We are the connecting link between Waternet expertise, (co-)funders and global water issues.

    We believe that worldwide access to safe water and...


    World Waternet works with Waternet experts to support public water organisations by offering sustainable, integral water solutions. We are the connecting link between Waternet expertise, (co-)funders and global water issues.

    We believe that worldwide access to safe water and sanitation is essential to human health, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. World Waternet was founded to help combat global water challenges. The better we respond to these challenges, the greater the chance we can provide clean water services for all.

    We work with our Waternet experts to support public water organisations by offering sustainable, integral water solutions. We do this by providing expertise of the whole water cycle.

    Affiliated to Waternet

    World Waternet was founded in 2007 on the initiative of the regional public water authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht (AGV) and Waternet, the public water company of Amsterdam and surroundings. Waternet provides water services to 1.3 million people and is the only water company in the Netherlands that covers the entire water cycle. World Waternet uses the expertise of both organisations, Waternet and AGV, to help improve the performance of foreign public water organisations.

    World Waternet is a not-for-profit organisation with an independent Supervisory Board. World Waternet has a project-based staffing agreement with Waternet, which allows for Waternet employees to contribute to World Waternet projects on an annual basis.

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