Satelligence cares about data, because we care about the planet. Forests disappear, population growth increases demand o...

Satelligence cares about data, because we care about the planet. Forests disappear, population growth increases demand on food production and climate change challenges everything.

The Satelligence team has extensive experience in remote sensing, natural resource management, GIS, computer vision and machine learning. Moreover, with staff working around the globe, we know what’s going on in the field. Satelligence specializes in providing highly detailed, semi-automated satellite-based insights and actionable results over large areas. Satelligence has world class expertise on scalable processing of radar and optical satellite images to assess patterns and trends in forests, agriculture and water. We deliver smart forest & commodity analytics to verify, predict and decide.

Want to know more?

If you are interested in our services contact us (Jet Greevink, country manager Myanmar, [email protected])

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  • Myanmar Water Portal posted a new blog post in Satelligence
    Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) is a European Space Agency (ESA) initiative towards making satellite data useful for sustainable development projects. A key...
    Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) is a European Space Agency (ESA) initiative towards making satellite data useful for sustainable development projects. A key objective for EO4SD is to empower users with the ability to leverage Earth Observation data and services in an independent and sustainable manner. As part of this program,...
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  • Myanmar Water Portal posted a new blog post in Satelligence
    ​06 June 18 - Inundated land can be a blessing or a curse. In the case of irrigated agriculture, controlled inundation is wanted and needed to maximize productivity of the...
    ​06 June 18 - Inundated land can be a blessing or a curse. In the case of irrigated agriculture, controlled inundation is wanted and needed to maximize productivity of the land. Floods are among the world's most common and most damaging natural hazards. Therefore, inundation mapping can help to identify flood prone areas and irrigated (cr...
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    Satelligence cares about data, because we care about the planet. Forests disappear, population growth increases demand on food production and climate change challenges everything.

    The Satelligence team has extensive experience in remote sensing, natural resource management, GIS, computer vision...

    Satelligence cares about data, because we care about the planet. Forests disappear, population growth increases demand on food production and climate change challenges everything.

    The Satelligence team has extensive experience in remote sensing, natural resource management, GIS, computer vision and machine learning. Moreover, with staff working around the globe, we know what’s going on in the field. Satelligence specializes in providing highly detailed, semi-automated satellite-based insights and actionable results over large areas. Satelligence has world class expertise on scalable processing of radar and optical satellite images to assess patterns and trends in forests, agriculture and water. We deliver smart forest & commodity analytics to verify, predict and decide.

    Want to know more?

    If you are interested in our services contact us (Jet Greevink, country manager Myanmar, [email protected])

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