Thirst-Aid has developed one of the most comprehensive and holistic approaches to point of use water treatment in the in...

Thirst-Aid has developed one of the most comprehensive and holistic approaches to point of use water treatment in the industry.

Thirst-Aid views the need to purify water in developing countries as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. Thirst-Aid employs the need for water improvement as an entry point by which to introduce new skills, develop small businesses and stimulate local economies whiles simultaneously introducing appropriate safe-water technologies and public health education to the population as a whole.

While many organizations focus on one technology or another to purify water, Thirst-Aid advocates for the bundling of technologies and realizes that education, training, and social marketing to promote behavior change comprise 90% of the issue in the adoption of safe-water practices.

To address this concern, Thirst-Aid precedes the introduction of all safe water technologies with the Thirst-Ed program. Developed in cooperation with UNICEF, Thirst-Ed integrates the need to educate and inspire the drive for improved water with the beneficiaries desire to be a stakeholder. By offering an education and social marketing program that not only raises awareness of waterborne illnesses and improved hygiene but also provides participants with the means to purchase their ceramic water filters, the Thirst-Ed program guarantees an increase in behavior change and sustained product use.

Thirst-Ed allows participants to apply the time they spend attending safe water classes to-wards the purchase price of a ceramic water filter unit, thus turning education into currency and helping to make filters affordable to the poor.

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