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DMH transferred to Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs from the Ministry of Transport and Communication on 3 February 1992. On 20 August 1999, DMH transferred to the Ministry of Transport.

Independent Burma Meteorological Department (BMD) was established on 1 April 1937. International Meteorological Organization (IMO) was established in 1873. Union of Myanmar became member of IMO in January 1938. BMD was re-organized on 23 October 1972 and renamed as Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) in the year 1974. Myanmar Daily Weather Report was issued since 1 June 1947. At that time, DMH is under the administration of the Ministry of Transport and Communication.

Objectives of the DMH

Objectives of the DMH is as follows:
(1)     To take precautionary measures against and minimize the effects of natural disasters
(2)     To promote safety, comfort, efficiency and regularity of air, land (rail & road), sea and inland water transportation.
(3)     To bring sustainable development of natural resources (hydro electric power, forest produce, water use, wind energy, etc.)
(4)     To promote agricultural and food production.
(5)     To ensure efficient operation, planning and development of activities in natural defense, industry, health, social welfare and all sectors of national economy.
(6)     To undertake international collaboration for all development activities and works of the DMH

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