19 Oct 18 - Myanmar Times - Work on the development of Mandalay Port is set to begin early next year, says the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems.The project, which is aimed at improving trade and transportation along inland waterways, will be implemented with the help of the Japan International Cooperation Agency...
This is the summary of the students group on Myanmar - Netherlands Water Challenge 2018 on 1 August.We have visited DWIR for the group assignment of student engagement day. We have discussed about their organization, how they are working and what they are challenging in their field. We have found three main challenges they are currently faci...
This presentation is presented by Mr. Ye Thway Aung, Deputy Director, Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of Water Systems (DWIR), Ministry of Transport and Communications, Myanmar in Myanmar Infrastructure Summit 2018. It includes Current status of River Channels, existing port condition and capacity, Inland Port Development ...
Source: The Myanmar TimesDate: 8 March, 2018To solve the problem with erosion of the banks of the Ayeyarwady River, the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems is carrying out a renovation project.The project will be funded by the Union government or regional government within its allowed budget. Since 2013, renovation work...
Presented by U Aung Myo Khaing, Director (DWIR) at World Water Day 2018, NayPyiTaw, Myanamr.The objectives of this presentation are: -To report the existing condition of Myanmar Water Resources-To strengthen water resources institutions-Water security in the Urban area in Delta Your browser does not support PDF viewer Download PD...
This presentation is presented by U Sein Lwin, Deputy Director, Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems (DWIR) , Ministry of Transport and Communication (MOTC) on World Water Day 2018 in Nay Pyi Taw. It includes Needs for improvement of River Channels.Bank Erosion due to morphology changesAlternative River I...
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