Seminar for dissemination of the Bago River Sub-basin Management Plan
On the 20thof September, 2018, a seminar on the Bago Sub-basin Management Plan will be hosted in Bago.
The aim of the open seminar is to present the Bago Sub-basin Management Plan by dissemination of a folder and a report. The Plan, which consists of an overview of the ecological status in the Sub-basin and a Programme of Measures, has been developed as a coordinated development by Bago authorities – with input from Bago Non-Governmental stakeholders.
The seminar will be opened by the Bago Regional Government. The Forest Department Director U Zaw Win Myint will say the opening remarks and present about the this pilot of implementing the river basin management approach in Bago. In the afternoon discussions will take place onthe role and participation of CSO in Environmental Conservation and Water Management. Please find the program for the seminar here.
The "Bago River Sub-basin Management Plan" was developed between 2016 and 2018 by the Bago River Sub-basin Area Committee, with input from the Bago Non-governmental Stakeholder Group – as a tool for the goal of good ecological status and a healthy Bago River. The Committee consists of sector and environmental authorities, and the Non-governmental Stakeholder Group consists of NGOs, politicians, private actors and civil society. Systematic water management tasks have been undertaken as part of this process according to the following steps; characterization and identification of pressures, classification of ecological status of water bodies, discussion of environmental objectives, and prioritization of abatement measures. The Programme of Measures have been identified by each sector authority for reaching the environmental objectives in the Bago River Sub-basin area.
The national reference for the process of developing this Plan has been the Myanmar National Water Framework Directive (NWFD). The EU Water Framework Directive has been the main international reference framework. The NWFD policy framework covers principles such as river-basin management, good ecological status of water bodies, integration, and stakeholder participation.
The seminar will take place at the Shwe War Htun Hotel in Bago, on September 20th, 2018. Some light refreshments will be served, and the seminar is open for participation. For more information you can contact the Bago Forest Department.
The pilot is part of the IWRM project, a collaboration between the Watershed Management Division Forest Department (WMD FD), Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department (IWUMD), and the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems (DWIR), and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) being financed by the Norwegian Embassy.
For more information on the project and for downloading project publications see: