State Counsellor emphasizes the importance of water studies at Yangon University

State Counsellor emphasizes the importance of water studies at Yangon University

3 Sep 18 - Myanmar State Counsellor Office (Official Facebook Page) -  State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has urged the university's authorities to promote the law and water studies at the university in the conclusion of the meeting on renovation, upgrading Yangon University. She also stressed the importance of encouraging students to have the culture of doing research at schools, saying that they should not wait till arrive the universities as it is found that students are more interested in doing team research.

The State Counsellor also called for giving priorities to water studies in doing research as Myanmar is rich in water resources and the water study is relevant to current time of climate change. If the water studies becomes the special subject in research field, international students are expected to come to Myanmar to do research the subject, she added. Capacity building of faculty members is also underlined in the State Counsellor's remarks.

She also highlighted the importance of teaching methods and English language as the skills are required not only for economy but also for politics. The State Counsellor stressed the need to have the relations with foreign universities not only for education but also for social bonds with them. She urged some students to understand the nature of the Centre of Excellence and urged the authorities to lay down plans for narrowing the gap between the number of female and male students at the higher education level.

The Union Government is willing to see the improvement of the higher education sector and the Yangon University, but it also want to promote the vocational education sector. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi pledged that the government would support the improvement the Yangon University's library.

Also present at the meeting were Yangon Region Chief Minister U Pyo Min Thein, Deputy Minister U Min Thu from the Office of the President, Yangon Mayor U Maung Maung Soe, the rector, pro-rector and members of the committee on renovating and upgrading of the Yangon University.

Full Article: Here

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