National Disaster Management Committee sends aid to flood-stricken areas in Mon, Kayin states

Photo Deputy Minister U Soe Aung provides assistance to locals affected by flooding in Kayin State. Photo: MNA

​27 July 18 - U Soe Aung, the secretary of the National Disaster Management Committee who is also the Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, travelled to flood-stricken areas in Mon and Kayin states on 24 July with his contingent to provide humanitarian aid and meet with villagers sheltering from the floods caused by continuous rain that has been falling since 22 July.

Their first stop was Bilin Township in Mon State, where they met with members of the local Disaster Management Group and local elders and discussed the current state of flooding, losses and damages from the floods, regional humanitarian protection and requirements for reducing natural disasters, providing of life jackets for children wading through streams and creeks to attend school, and the immediate fixing of bridges connecting nearby villages.

Next, they arrived at Pyinthar Flood Relief Centre and Basic Education Middle School 2 Flood Relief Centre and provided seven-day worth of rice, cooking oil, canned fish, instant noodles, soy milk and snacks for children, all worth Ks900,000, to the 1,043 local residents seeking shelter there.

On 25 July, the Deputy Minister and his contingent travelled to Hpa-an in Kayin State and met with Kayin State Chief Minister Daw Nan Khin Htwe Myint and her state government cabinet at the state government building and discussed requirements in region and union-level support. The National Disaster Management Committee then transferred Ks100 million from their funds to the State Disaster Management Committee fund and provided financial aid for purchasing rice for the 16,792 local residents seeking shelter from Hpa-an, Hlaingbwe, Kawkareik and Myawady. Next, they visited local residents seeking shelter in the cyclone shelter and in the indoor stadium in Hpa-an, and provided food for the people in addition to monetary support for mothers and their children.

The Deputy Minister and his contingent then travelled to Hlaingbwe and met with local residents seeking shelter at the cyclone shelter and nursery school and provided humanitarian aid.

In the evening, they travelled to Dhamma Thukha Monastic School in Kyaikdon, Kayin State, and provided monetary support and food supplies to the 101 local residents seeking shelter there.

Next, they travelled to Myawady and met with the township disaster management group and local elders. They discussed the status of flooding in the area and aid received from the ministry, the need for cooperation between the public and other relevant entities in order to properly resist and react to natural disasters, and future plans to provide emergency motorboats, lifejackets for students, and emergency tents.

The Deputy Minister and his contingent then visited the Kyuntaw Zay Flood Relief Centre and met with the 140 local residents seeking shelter there. They gave words of encouragement and provided humanitarian aid to the people and managed the water pumps to pump out water from areas with no natural downflow.

As of today, humanitarian aid provided to flood victims in Kayin State includes Ks100 million from the National Disaster Management Committee funds, Ks29.5 million from the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement's emergency funds, Ks360,000 for mother and child support, 50,000 packets of water purifying agents, 50,000 packets of rehydration salts, and five water pumps for removing impurities from wells. Additional humanitarian support will be provided for other flood-stricken areas in Kayin State.

​Source: Global New Light Of Myanmar

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