Preventative measures against erosion carried out, aid needed

Photo - Riverbank near a monastery in Bala Ba village corroded by the water PAKOKKU-

​15 May 18 - Although preventative measures against the riverbank erosion is being carried out in Bala Ba village, Yesagyo Township, Magway Region, more aid are in need, according to the locals. 

As Ayeyawady River rises in Bala Ba village, starting in mid-May, well wishers dug the sand embankments aiming to change the water route by spending Ks 12.7 million. 

However, as the sand embankment is very wide. there weren't enough funds to completely finish the job. "Water Resources, River and Creeks Development Department from Magway Region provided the dredgers and also Dhamica Yarma Foundation from Thailand donated Ks 12.7 million for diesel fuel. We are now digging the sand embankment from those funds but,it isn't enough for the whole embankment.The erosion begins from Upper area of the Village," said Aye Maung Tun from Bala Ba village. Although Water Resources and River and Creeks Development Department from Magway Region installed Steel Cables to reduce Ayeyawady River bank erosion near Bala Ba village, the erosion continues to occur. 

"Last year, over 60 houses were moved within one week. The irrigated farmlands were also corroded by the water. Now, the erosion starts once again and if allowed to continue like the previous year, the remainder of the houses may have to relocate. Nevertheless, there have been needs for preventative measures against the emergency riverbank erosion," said Aung Myo Htet from Bala Ba village. 

Villagers are now making preventative measures against the bank erosion in cooperation with volunteers. Due to riverbank erosion, about 700 acres of arable land were destroyed. Those that lost their homes and farms will have to buy irrigated farmlands to once again do farming. In Bala Ba village, the number of farmland acres decreased because of the riverbank erosion. Moreover, children from nearby villages are now studying at the Basic Education High School in Bala Ba village. Locals said that it is necessary to carry out measures against the riverbank erosion because the it had almost reached the high school. 

​Source: Eleven Myanmar

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