Dutch company VEI to improve Mandalay’s water supply system
Source: The Myanmar Times
Date: 7 February, 2018
Netherlands-Based Viten Evids International (VEI) will provide technical assistance for the water and sanitation of Mandalay from 2018 to 2021, according to the Mandalay City Development Committee.
The project exceeds 2 million euros, of which 90 percent will be provided by VEI and 10 pc by MCDC.
"We will install water meters for those who cannot afford them and equip remote locations with new water pipelines and supply water meters to 2700 households.
"We will also repair the pumping stations and pump wells and reduce energy consumption. We will support techniques for water research in the laboratory and take water samples," Project Director Daw Khin May Htay told The Myanmar Times.
The Mandalay water supply system has improved thanks to VEI's aid and it can improve the development of cities and living standards, she said.
The current water supply system of Mandalay is over 30 years old. About 28,000 water meters cannot provide enough water and 9000 water meters are damaged out of the 97,000 water meters. The project officers will make field studies to repair them, according to the Water and Sanitation Department.
Water leaks and wastewater in permeable places along the water pipeline, which has been operating since 1983, will be repaired to avoid pollution. The public needs to inform the department if they find damaged pipe, said U Myo Thant, head of Water and Sanitation Department.
"The water is very dirty in the morning. It is impossible to drink the water from the pipes. We order drinking water. The water meter fee doubled and it costs more than K20,000 per month. This may be a large amount for a family with an average income ," said Daw Thandar, of Aung Myay Tharzan township.
People have to pay K200 per unit for 220 gallons of water and rental fee tax of K100 to MCDC during the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
"Water is still cheaper than in other townships," said U Myo Thant.
In Aung Myay Tharzan, Chan Aye Tharzan, Maha Aung Myay and Chan Mya Tharsi, clean drinking water currently only meets 70 pc of demand, Pyigyitagun township is receiving 10 pc and Amarapura township receives about 30pc of its drinking water supply, according to the department.
Mandalay city's water supply project was launched in 1983. Starting from 1992, it was able to supply over 30,000 water meters. Currently, there are 54 artisan wells and 12 pumping stations in the city.
Using 85pc underground water and 15pc ground-level water, the project is now able to supply water to over 97,000 water meters, according to the department.
Source Link: https://www.mmtimes.com/news/dutch-company-vei-improve-mandalays-water-supply-system.html
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