Using data in transboundary water management & negotiations


Source: GlobalWaterPartnership 


This online session is planned for 2 November 2022. This event is part of ongoing efforts to engage more with participants of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security. The session is co-organized by Oregon State University and GWP.

Water science and policy development go hand in hand. Therefore, a firm understanding of the physical system can be critical to negotiate and manage shared water resources. This session will investigate the relationship between data and decision-making over transboundary waters.

Learning Objectives

In this session, there will be exploration about how data supports and/or interferes with decision-making, including themes of determining how much data is needed, overcoming challenges with data availability, and establishing mutual trust in the quality of data. Crucial questions on this relationship will be explored including: What types of data are critical to policymaking and implementation? What databases may be useful? How can data enhance dialogues and how can negotiations overcome data challenges? What is missing from datasets?

These and other questions will be covered in a highly interactive way during the session. Participants will be able to put questions to the speakers during the plenary Q&A and will also be able to further engage with the speakers in breakout rooms. A post-event discussion will be hosted here, on the Transboundary water knowledge exchange hub (free registration required).


WHEN: Wednesday, 2 November, at 7:00 (Oregon), 10:00 (Washington DC), 14:00 (London), 15:00 (Stockholm), 17:00 (Nairobi), 21:00 (Bangkok), 22:00 (Beijing)

DURATION: 1.5 hours

HOW: Registration is required.

WHAT: The speakers will reflect on several key questions:

  • What types of data are critical to policymaking and implementation?
  • What databases may be useful?
  • How can data enhance dialogues and how can negotiations overcome data challenges?
  • What is missing from datasets?


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