Online Course: Change in water-use efficiency over time

index Image: FAO

Source: FAO elearning Academy - The course provides guidance on the rationale and the main characteristics of Indicator 6.4.1, and on how to compute the two dimensions constituting the indicator: the hydrologic and the economic component. It also highlights possible challenges related to data availability, and the impact that monitoring results may have on national decision-making and identification of development policies.


This course is primarily intended for those who play a role in data collection, analysis and reporting on SDG Indicator 6.4.1, as well as for people with an interest in the process. They include:
  • Decision makers, policy planners, donors.
  • Program directors.
  • Technical specialists in national institutions in charge of SDG monitoring, including water experts, statisticians, environmental specialists or economists.

You will learn about:
  • The context of SDG 6, Target 6.4 and the positioning of Indicator 6.4.1 within the system of SDG goals and targets.
  • Data requirements to compute the indicator and challenges related to their availability.
  • How to compute and interpret Indicator 6.4.1.
  • The importance of implementing an effective mechanism of data verification and quality control and assurance of the monitoring process.

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