Join the six-month Young Water Diplomat Program - IHE-Delft
The relevant documents should be submitted before Sep 30, 2021.
The Young Water Diplomats Program provides diplomats and professionals with a background in foreign affairs, international relations or international law with relevant and up-to-date knowledge about water, the various challenges water resources face under a changing climate, as well as its technical management and tools for transboundary governance.
After this six-month programme, participants will be able to:
- Understand key aspects of water resources and the challenges they face (including the hydrological cycle, hydrological monitoring and modelling, infrastructure and its effects, climate change impacts)
- Evaluate key challenges that transboundary freshwaters (ground- and surface water) face under different conditions
- Understand key aspects of water resources management (including integrated water resources management approaches, water governance concepts and tools and approaches to water diplomacy)
- Assess and apply different institutional arrangements and diplomatic tools for water cooperation
- Analyse and compare lessons learnt from water conflict and cooperation in different basins in the world
- Integrate interdisciplinary knowledge in problem-solving and collaborate in intercultural and transdisciplinary teams.
Content and time plan
The Young Water Diplomats Program will be conducted in the period between January and June 2022 (six months). During this period, participants will be engaged in online and in-person learning activities consisting of lectures, reading assignments, discussions with experts, as well as individual and group assignments.
Thematic lectures delivered by leading academics will be coupled with interventions from practitioners. Interactive meetings with diplomats who have prominent experience in the fields of water diplomacy and environmental peace-building will create additional space for sharing experiences and getting first-hand knowledge. The program involves participation in the Water and Peace Seminar, and annual science-policy dialogue organized by IHE Delft that brings together scientists, policy makers and practitioners to share experiences and gain more insights into transboundary water cooperation.