Yangon Chief Minister inspects Myanmar-Korea Friendship Dala Bridge construction
25 AUG 2020 - Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar
Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein inspected the construction of Myanmar-Korea Friendship Bridge (Dala) project in Yangon downtown side on 24 August.
Dala bridge project is implemented with the loan of US$157.83 million from the Republic of Korea and $30 million from Myanmar, totalling $188.17 million. The construction commenced in May 2019, and it is slated to complete in October 2022. The project is 16.15 per cent completed for now.
Mr Yun Ho Cho, project director of GS Engineering & Construction Corporation and U Kyaw Kaung Cho, deputy director-general of Bridge Management Department, explained the construction project and working process at the briefing room in the construction site.
Afterwards, Construction Deputy Minister Dr Kyaw Linn analyzed it in detail.
The regional chief minister highlighted the safety and project quality and inspected the construction site from downtown Yangon.
The bridge is 1,876 metres long and 26.5 metres wide, having a four-lane motorway.
The reinforced concrete bridge with bored piles foundation and steel cables will withstand 75 tonnes.
Construction Deputy Minister Dr Kyaw Linn and Korean Ambassador to Myanmar Lee Sang -hwa and officials from the Bridge Management Department and regional ministers attended the briefing.—San Kyaw Oo (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)