Rice Environment Suitability Maps for the Ayeyarwady Region (Ayeyarwady Delta)

Rice Environment Suitability Maps for the Ayeyarwady Region (Ayeyarwady Delta)


These maps were developed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) for the Department of Agriculture (DoA). This process was financed by the European Union through International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD): Africa to Asia - Testing Adaptation in Flood-based Resources Management under the Programme Putting research into Use for Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture and Resilience (PRUNSAR) managed by IWMI, and by the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems.

About these maps

These maps are primarily intended to support the Department of Agriculture (DoA) reduce rice crop losses as a result of flooding in the Ayeyarwady Delta. The maps seek to do this by identifying areas in the delta as a whole and in each township that are suitable (and less suitable) for three categories of rice environments used by the DoA: flooded, deep water and favourable.

Why are these maps needed?

These maps provide an updated analysis of the suitability of environmental conditions, and suggest where different rice categories could be grown. It is however up to the DoA to determine what suitability threshold (i.e. percentage) it will apply in matching rice varieties to the landscape. In this manner, it is hoped that these maps will enable the DoA to reduce rice losses in future years.

Furthermore, please check it out by downloading the pdf file and it will explain

  1. how it can contribute to national policy implementation.
  2. how it can interprete the maps for decision-making.
  3. how to enable the application of the maps
  4. where you can access the maps

There are two folders and one pdf file in the link. The files in the folders are Tiff files which are meant for GIS users who may want to run more analysis. The pdf file is the Rice Environment Suitability Maps for Ayeyarwady Region which include for all 26 townships in Ayeyarwady Delta.

Two languages include in the maps book for all detail information of the maps book.
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