The Netherlands and Myanmar signed the grant agreement for Mandalay Pyigyitagun Water Supply Development Project

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24 JUN 2020 - Source: Embassy of the Netherlands in Myanmar - The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is pleased to announce the grant agreement signing of Mandalay Pyigyitagun Water Supply Development Project.

The Netherlands and Myanmar signed the grant agreement for Pyigyitagun Water Supply Development Project on 9th June 2020 in the ways of virtual signing event. Mr. Huub Buise, Deputy Ambassador, Mr. Astrid Raaphorst, Director of NL Process and Legal Affair, the Netherlands Enterprise Angecy (RVO) , Daw Si Si Pyone, Director General, Treasury Department, MOPFI and Dr. Ye Lwin, Mayor of the Mandalay City signed the grant agreement.

The total project cost of 50% (30 million euro) is a contribution from the Netherlands government to support the Mandalay City Water Supply scheme. In this project, Water treatment plant, service water pipe lines , 20,000 House Hold water connections are included. Under the project development, 70% of the Pyigyitagun town area will receive the good and clean water to people.

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