QGIS for Hydrological Applications
31 March 2020 - Source: LinkedIn
This is the time to learn new skills! Join Kurt Menke and me in our weekly free webinar on QGIS for Hydrological Applications. 7 weeks long, every Friday from 9 - 10 pm CET - 2:30 AM YGN (Saturday).
We'll start tomorrow with georeferencing a scanned map and digitizing vectors in a GeoPackage.
No registration required, just go to http://loc8.cc/qgishydro
Bring your own GeoBeers for drinks after the session!
#qgis, #covidcampus, #webinar, #gis, #hydrology, #opensource, #watermanagement, #foss4g, #osgeo, #opencourseware, #openeducation, #qgishydro
Source Link: https://bit.ly/3bvAAn8