MRDD to provide sufficient drinking water to 51 villages in Mandalay Region

MRDD to provide sufficient drinking water to 51 villages in Mandalay Region Local people collecting their drinking water from the water boxer truck in Mandalay Region.  Photo: Min Htet Aung (Man-Sub printing house)

​20 March 2020 - Source: Global New Light of Myanmar - To prevent the insufficient supply of drinking water in summer, Mandalay Rural Development Department MRDD is planning to provide drinking water, spending K 24 million for 51 villages in 13 townships in Mandalay Region.
The ward administrators concerned have participated in conducting a survey of the villages, which are likely to a shortage of the drinking water in summer. The survey was conducted in cooperation with civil society associations, NGOs and INGOs. The Natural Disaster Preparedness Associations led by the related township administrators will distribute the water jointly with civil society organizations, said Director U Soe Than of Mandalay Rural Development Department.
"We are working together to survey the distribution of the drinking water to the villages. Our department will support funds for fuel oil to be used in the drinking water carrying vehicles. The fund is spent on the department budget. The number of villages suffering from lack of drinking water in summer has been declining year by year since the establishment of our department. In 2016, a total of 146 villages faced with insufficiency of drinking water. In 2017 and 2018, only nine villages were suffering from water shortage problems. In 2019 there occurred El Nino disaster in Myanmar during which a total of 66 villages encountered such problems.
Our department has developed new software for the villages to inform that they need the drinking water. It is necessary to train them to use this application software. We reach out for their awareness to save and share the drinking water if necessary, he added.
There are 13 villages, which lack the drinking water in summer — Singu, Kyaukse, Tada-U, Wundwin, Taze, Mahlaing, Meiktila, Taungtha, Natogyi, Ngazun, Yamethin, Pyawbwe and Kyaukpadaung townships.
According to the survey, the Ayeyawady region tops the list of the survey which could face the lack of drinking water in summer, followed by Sagaing and Mandalay regions. —Min Htet Aung (Man-Sub printing house) (Translated by Hay Mar)

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