National Water Resources Committee gets closer to finalizing national water bill
12 March 2020 - Source: Global New Light of Myanmar - Vice President U Henry Van Thio, in his capacity as Chairman of the National Water Resources Committee (NWRC), addressed the committee's first coordination meeting of the year at Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
He first reminded that these meetings aim to develop all sectors related or affiliated to water resources and to effectively manage them. He said these meetings have proven effective in resolving water-related issues and for coordinating with ministries and organizations involved in water resources.
In addition, the meetings have advanced preparations for the annual floods during the monsoon season and droughts in the summer, said the Vice President. He said they were working closely with related ministries and organizations to find mid-term and long-term solutions in reducing floods and water shortages.
The Vice President said that as summer was approaching once more, concerned ministries, organizations and state/regional governments must work together to prepare for shortages of drinking and irrigation water.
He instructed annual promotion of tree-planting to preserve catchment area and the natural environment, and for concerned authorities to properly monitor against careless disposal of waste, dirty water or contaminated liquid from factories into rivers and other natural bodies of water.
The Vice President said the committee's task force has endeavoured for the emergence of a national water law and a draft has been compiled in English with a Myanmar version in progress. He said as part of the Ayeyawady Integrated River Basin Management Project, funded with loans from the World Bank, the office of NWRC and a hydro informatic center has begun construction in December 2019.
The Vice President said that as a substantial amount of the national budget is used in developing the water sector and its related components, everyone concerned should be vigilant in ensuring the projects were beneficial for the entire population, completed in time with minimal wastage, and with a vision that encompassed all river basins.
Next, the Vice Chairman of NWRC, Union Minister for Transport and Communications U Thant Sin Maung, explained processes for developing the water sector, implementing the materialization of a national water law, completed and ongoing processes related to decisions from the committee's previous meeting, preparations for the expected annual floods and droughts, conserving rivers and natural bodies of water, and preventing water pollution.
This was followed by other committee members and attendees explaining and reporting on their relevant assigned duties. The Vice President then responded to the discussions and urged everyone to continue their hard work in developing the water sector and livelihoods of all people connected to it. —MNA (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)