Monsoon flooding forces thousands to evacuate homes in Mandalay

Photo A member of rescue team carries an elderly woman at the outskirt of township in Mandalay Region.  Photo: Min Htet Aung (Sub-printing House)

20 July 19 - Source: Global New Light Of Myanmar - Some 6,000 people evacuated their homes in three townships of Mandalay Region until yesterday. A total of 5,889 locals from 1,269 households in Tada-U, Sintgu and Thabaikkyin townships are now taking shelters at nearby schools and monasteries after the torrential rainfalls started in last week.

U Aye Min Thu, Director of Mandalay Region Disaster Management Department, said, "We helped 5,889 people evacuate their homes in three townships and have provided them with rice and dry rations even enough for a week." Flood evacuees included 108 from Tada-U, 688 from Sintgu and 5,093 from Thabaikkyin townships respectively.

The director also said the department will help in more areas with the possible risks of flood.—Min Htet Aung (Sub-printing House)
(Translated by Aung Khin)

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