Be Our Next Top Member in Myanmar Water Portal


​ Are you currently a member on Myanmar Water Portal? 

Did you know that you can earn points and unlock badges on the portal by performing something as simple as reading an article and adding a friend? 

Well if you are curious about how it works, do check out this poster for how you can be one of the top members in the portal and have your name appear on the scoreboard in Myanmar Water Journal, our monthly newsletter! 

If you are not a member yet, sign up here to access all these cool features! Now that you know what you can do at the portal, go explore the portal now and start connecting with the thriving water community in Myanmar!

Step-by-step tutorial of how to use MWP as a member

Always wondered what's next after signing up as a member on Myanmar Water Portal? Well in this short 5-minute video below, we will give you a quick breakdown of all the things you can do as a member. Did you also know that you can earn points and unlock badges as a member? Check on how you can be ou...
Step-by-step tutorial of how to use MWP as a membe...
Do you have a Health-Related Climate Change Story ...


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Providing you the latest news, insights, opportunities and events from the Myanmar water sector.

Myanmar Water Journal