Better Facilities: USAID To Support For Development Of Jetties
26 Mar 19 - Source: MITV - A Coordination Meeting for development of jetties took place at Myanma Port Authorities Office in Yangon on 25th March.
Union Minister for Transport and Communication U Thant Sin Maung attended the meeting and discussed that it is needed to implement for development of jetties which play major role for maritime trade development.
In order to handle the increased goods from maritime trade, an expert team from USAID was invited for feasibility studies. The Union Minister urged all to seek the best ways depending on the survey. The officials later made discussions on challenges and future plans.
The Union Minister later viewed the pilot boats that will be used at Yangon Fixed Pilot Station which has been implemented by spending over 20 million US dollars. It is learnt that three pilot boats and Pilot Station will be handed over to Myamma Port Authorities on the 30th of March.