On-the-Job Training Program on Irrigation Asset Management, GIS begins
13 Nov 18 - Source: Global New Light Of Myanmar - An On-the-Job Training (OJT) program on Irrigation Asset Management and GIS is being conducted at the Irrigation Technology Center (ITC) Bago Township, from 12 to 17 November.
The OJT is being jointly conducted by the Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department and Japan's Agricultural Development Consultants Association (ADCA), under a technical exchange program.
At the start of the program, the Director of the ITC, Bago, Daw Aye Aye Hlaing delivered the opening speech, while Japan ADCA's Director-General, Mr. Shozo Ohira, explained the objective of the training.
As part of the program, Japanese experts will conduct surveys using the GPS system and maintain records of the surveys with the use of the GIS system for maintenance of irrigation systems and water facilities. The training course will include practical sessions at the Bawni irrigation system in Daik-U Township.
The six-day training course has 20 participants from the Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department.
—Tin Soe (Bago)
(Translated by Hay Mar)