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To show the importance of communication in Myanmar Water Sector and to elaborate how to communicate in an organization T...
To show the importance of communication in Myanmar Water Sector and to elaborate how to communicate in an organization The Water Agency (TWA) organised a communication training session in 2018 at MyanmarWater 18.

This time, TWA will contribute how to write a technical and informative article and how to connect between journalism and science.

The schedule of the training course will be distributed soon.
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    Communication Training: Learn Communication and Writing in Water Sector

    To show the importance of communication in Myanmar Water Sector and to elaborate how to communicate in an organization The Water Agency (TWA) organised a communication training session in 2018 at MyanmarWater 18.

    This time, TWA will contribute how to write a technical and informative article ...
    To show the importance of communication in Myanmar Water Sector and to elaborate how to communicate in an organization The Water Agency (TWA) organised a communication training session in 2018 at MyanmarWater 18.

    This time, TWA will contribute how to write a technical and informative article and how to connect between journalism and science.

    The schedule of the training course will be distributed soon.
    17th Jul, 2019 13:00 - 15:00
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