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Business Development Manager from The Water Agency, Gerdien Velink, will present her experience about which she is worki...
Business Development Manager from The Water Agency, Gerdien Velink, will present her experience about which she is working working in Thaketa Township to short-list challenges - and brainstorm about potential interventions.Additionally, she will share challenges (problem statements / value propositions) - outcomes field trip Thaketa (10-14 June) in partnership with YCDC.

- Startup Challenge -

Make your tech business idea become reality, win up to $2,500 and 3 months of free office space - all within 9 days by participating in Startup Challenge 2019. Participants do not need expertise on any of the specific sectors; Phandeeyar is bringing topic experts to train and mentor participants before and throughout the competition. All participants will be mentored to develop​ business models using the Lean Canvas, which is an essential startup building/idea prototyping tool used around the globe.

- Tech for Cities -

As the size of the population living in the city area is increasing more and more every day, data and technologies play an important part to improve the lives of the citizens and businesses that inhabit it. This track is to create technology to improve the quality and performance of urban services of a city as well as reducing wastage, overall costs, and resource consumption. It could be about providing sufficient fresh water, universal access to cleaner energy, the ability to travel efficiently from one point to another or safety and security for the residents and smart traffic management systems.
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    Startup Challenge: 4th Info Session | Tech for Cities

    Business Development Manager from The Water Agency, Gerdien Velink, will present her experience about which she is working working in Thaketa Township to short-list challenges - and brainstorm about potential interventions.Additionally, she will share challenges (problem statements / value propos...
    Business Development Manager from The Water Agency, Gerdien Velink, will present her experience about which she is working working in Thaketa Township to short-list challenges - and brainstorm about potential interventions.Additionally, she will share challenges (problem statements / value propositions) - outcomes field trip Thaketa (10-14 June) in partnership with YCDC.

    - Startup Challenge -

    Make your tech business idea become reality, win up to $2,500 and 3 months of free office space - all within 9 days by participating in Startup Challenge 2019. Participants do not need expertise on any of the specific sectors; Phandeeyar is bringing topic experts to train and mentor participants before and throughout the competition. All participants will be mentored to develop​ business models using the Lean Canvas, which is an essential startup building/idea prototyping tool used around the globe.

    - Tech for Cities -

    As the size of the population living in the city area is increasing more and more every day, data and technologies play an important part to improve the lives of the citizens and businesses that inhabit it. This track is to create technology to improve the quality and performance of urban services of a city as well as reducing wastage, overall costs, and resource consumption. It could be about providing sufficient fresh water, universal access to cleaner energy, the ability to travel efficiently from one point to another or safety and security for the residents and smart traffic management systems.
    19th Jun, 2019 17:00 - 19:30
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