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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:
Event Description:
As the Yangon city development is continuing at a rapid pace, the management of water is growing to become a key topic.

With a wide scale of water management challenges still ahead, now is the time to get a good understanding of which colleagues and organisations are covering the different areas of the city regarding wise water management this year.

On Wednesday the 23rd of January, 2019, The Water Agency will host a community of practice session, a o workshop to encourage collaboration, for water professionals in Yangon. Led by experienced host Dr Piet Filet, from Brisbane, Australia, participants will explore the collaborative water agenda set for 2019.

The session is organised with the aim to share and bring light to all the water management activities undertaken in Yangon, match the work efforts to make collaborative benefits for the Yangon and the wider region.

The session will be hosted by:

Dr Piet Filet – water management expert from Brisbane, Australia

During this workshop we will explore the Yangon and regional focus and the collaborative opportunities between various water professionals. In small groups participants will develop a roadmap for Yangon water professionals and organisations based on 4-6 key principals that will be introduced by Dr Filet.

The CoP session gives you an opportunity to meet partners, but also make new connections while you learn what 2019 has in store for Yangon regarding water management. The workshop is open to any water professionals.

Included: light snack.
Location: Aroma Bistro & Tapas on the east side of Kandawgi Lake
Cost: free of charge
Date: Wednesday 23rd of January, 2019
Time: 2.00 PM – 5.00 PM

If you would like to attend this CoP session, please let us know you are coming by registering through the link (https://goo.gl/forms/mlxg1o9cqBZYSyQv1) or give us a call. Please call/email us if you have any questions: +959 7 6930 8008 or send an email to [email protected]
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