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- In this three day workshop for water professionals we will focus on using the remote sensing package Google Earth Engine for water related issues. The three main subjects of the training will be rainfall, river morphology and soil moisture. The subjects rainfall and river morphology will be discussed in parallel separate sessions. During this...In this three day workshop for water professionals we will focus on using the remote sensing package Google Earth Engine for water related issues. The three main subjects of the training will be rainfall, river morphology and soil moisture. The subjects rainfall and river morphology will be discussed in parallel separate sessions. During this training you will learn how to work with satellite data using Google Earth Engine and will learn more about rainfall or river morphology and soil moisture. With this knowledge it will be easier to understand the processes behind rainfall, river morphology and soil moisture and adapt to the future.More
This training is implemented by companies FutureWater, HKV and VanderSat and organized in the framework of the “Leapfrogging Delta Management in Myanmar”, led by Delft University of Technology and supported by the Netherlands Government (RVO). The training is hosted by Yangon Technological University. To register for the training, please contact Gijs Simons of FutureWater through [email protected] and provide your name and affiliation.
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