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Yangon Investment Forum 2018 is organized by the Yangon Region Investment Committee (YRIC) and the Department of Investm...
Yangon Investment Forum 2018 is organized by the Yangon Region Investment Committee (YRIC) and the Department of Investment and Company Administration (DICA), with the Myanmar Investors Development Association (MIDA) acting as the Main Sponsor, alongside GIZ, UMFCCI, PwC, RICE and Hotel Max as supporting organizations.

The theme of the Forum is “Yangon Region: Investment Hub in Myanmar” which reflects the significance of Yangon Region in terms of investment opportunities for investors, both domestic and foreign. With a population of — million, and many areas and sectors that need development, to call Yangon Region Investment Hub in Myanmar is not far from the truth. There are over 20 industrial zones and to meet the needs of its large population and incoming businesses, its infrastructure sector alone, for example, requires large investment.

The Forum is the first time ever that is held by the Regional Government and constitutes a rare opportunity for investors to learn directly from the regional authorities and the Myanmar Investment Commission how mutually beneficial for them and the Yangon Regional Government to do business together. To achieve this ultimate outcome, the Forum will have high-ranking government officials as speakers, such as the mInister for Planning and Finance and the Chief Minister of the Yangon Region Government. They will certainly lay out the future development plans for Yangon Region and all the required information that will immensely help the potential investors in deciding where to invest and lingering concerns of potential investors to do business in Myanmar, in particular in Yangon Region.

In fact, this will be an event that you will never regret having attended.


- To provide the information on the new investment application procedure
- To provide investment opportunities in Yangon Region
- To give an opportunity to clarify question directly with line stakeholders
- To facilitate investment through transparent, clear and expeditious procedures of the Yangon Region


The Forum is organized by Yangon Region Investment Committee in association with Myanmar Investors Development Association (MIDA) and supported by DICA, GIZ, UMFCCI and Pwc.
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