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The following partners of TU Delft are working together in the ‘VP Delta’ program, and are excited to share an update on...
The following partners of TU Delft are working together in the ‘VP Delta’ program, and are excited to share an update on their programs in Myanmar:

• Shore Monitoring - use of drones and bathymetric measurements
• SkyGeo - River Bank Erosion with Radar Satellite images
• FutureWater - Rainfall product
• WaveDroid, Disdrometrics and Van der Sat – update on measurements
• HKV - Demonstration on Navigability of the Wadden sea in the Netherlands

During the workshop, you will learn a lot about the concrete application of technology in the projects. There will be videos, demonstrations, and unique learning opportunities for you. Please register before the weekend, as we hope this information inspires you to participate and/or to select the right candidates in your organization to attend the workshop.
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